You may have noticed the removal of the linear group of hybrid poplars by the entrance of the Sports centre car park,this is to remove the risk of failure on health and safety grounds.For the last ten years or so these trees have been carefully monitored as they have been affected by the hornet moth(Sesia apiformis) larvae boring in low down on the main trunk,this opens the tree up to a whole host of pathogens and gradually the trees become weakened and dysfunctional also where project work has taken place on paths and drainage over the years further weakening the root structure, causing the trees to decline.This decline could be seen in the dieback of the branches, the lack of vigour in the leaf canopy and the general health of the tree. Tree surgery has taken place over the years to keep the trees safe but with the failure of one of the healthier specimen’s the management plan has been accelerated. Plans are already being put into place to replant with more suitable species to enhance the area which will enhance the biodiversity of the campus.
While the North loop has been quiet with little traffic the team have taken the opportunity to take down one of the badly damaged Aspens which has now become a risk using the cherry picker owned by Estates. A new tree planting plan will be put into action with a more appropriate species being used to enhance biodiversity linking parts of the campus together.
Another mixed area created using wildflower turf around the Faraday accommodation, enhancing biodiversity by attracting many pollinating insects, butterflies etc as well as brightening up a difficult corner. lets hope vehicles keep off the area!
The Grounds department have been awarded for the fourth consecutive year the Green Flag Award which is the benchmark national standard for publicly accessible parks and green spaces in the United Kingdom.Well done Team.
The Grounds Team have been very busy all through Covid -19 managing the campus landscape. Tree work has been carried out as per our survey and maintenance schedule including the reduction of the Salix alba’s along in the Lancaster hotel garden following a pollarding regime. Bat boxes and bird boxes are located in the vicinity helping the varied habitats along the river Pinn corridor.
One of a number of hedgehog homes put around the campus, hopefully a new resident will move in to the vacant possession soon. Keep a look out for our hedgehog on Site.
Its really good to see a great diverse mix of wildflowers growing in what people may think as a poor patch of grass. This was taken next to Mary Secole building, it provides plenty of colour plus essential food for our pollinating insects we have on campus.
Plenty of badger activity on campus again with numerous sightings of our resident badger family. You can often seen where they have been from the snuffle holes they leave when hunting for worms. It is great to see a healthy family. Here is one of our badgers airing the bedding out and replacing ,this practice helps to control and remove fleas and other unwanted pests.