Tag Archives: butterflies

Butterflies and Moths of Brunel

WIth the weather being so warm and dry keep an eye for the Jersey tiger moth .This unusual moth is becoming a more frequent visitor to site and has been seem during the day in a number of locations across campus including Site 1 meadows and up at the Eastern Gateway.When in flight its colourful […]


Across the campus wildflower turf has been installed to identified areas not only to brighten them up with the wonderful mix of colours but also to provide essential food for our very important pollinators including bees, hoverflies and butterflies . The picture below is taken close to our pond and the Wilfred Brown building.

Meadows cutting

To maintain and enhance the biodiversity across Site one meadows it is essential to control the dominant plant and aggressive grass species. This is done by carrying out a suitable cutting and collecting regime twice a year which helps to reduce the nutrient level in the soil profile ,promotes a wider variety of wild flowers […]