Category Archives: Wildlife

Bat boxes

Over the next few weeks new bat boxes are to be installed on selected trees across the campus, hopefully our resident bat population, which are protected under law, will use them as summer roost sites as they forage round for food. We have recorded six species of bats across campus including noctule, common, soprano and nathusius […]

Meadows cutting

To maintain and enhance the biodiversity across Site one meadows it is essential to control the dominant plant and aggressive grass species. This is done by carrying out a suitable cutting and collecting regime twice a year which helps to reduce the nutrient level in the soil profile ,promotes a wider variety of wild flowers […]

Wildlife- Stag beetles

Do keep an eye out for our stag beetles on site, these are our largest native ground beetles and can be seen sunning themselves on walls and paths or on humid days around dusk time look out for the male, easily identified with the large mandibles (jaws) which resemble the antlers of a deer,  flying about  looking […]

Brunel Bats

People have asked what species of bats we have on Site ,well we have recorded around six species at the moment in various locations which isn’t bad considering how much light pollution is generated from the campus, the limited habitat (which we are improving) and all the activity going on. Bats play an important part in […]

Brunel Hedgehog

While continuing with the bat survey came across the Brunel hedgehog queuing at the calisthenics bars, being shy it trundled off into the shrubbery nearby, lookout for our hedgehog as they tend to have no road sense.