Green Flag Award
It was good to see all the hard work being carried out by a small team paying off and being recognised with Brunel’s first Green Flag Award !
It was good to see all the hard work being carried out by a small team paying off and being recognised with Brunel’s first Green Flag Award !
Continuing with our tree maintenance programme, crown reduction on the Salix alba’s along the river Pinn .
This odd looking piece of kit is a bulb planter, around 45,000 mixed bulbs including Crocus ,Chionodoxa, Scilla, Muscari, Tulips and daffs giving a variety of colour from around February to May, good for the bees as well. Keep an eye open for them coming up.
If you’ve seen people walking about with knapsacks and lances staring at the ground this week and wondered what they are doing its part of our weed killing programme on our paths, kerb edges and building lines. We try to keep chemical spraying to a minimum on site and you can help by using the paths on campus […]