Tag Archives: Wildlife

Brunel Hedgehog

While continuing with the bat survey came across the Brunel hedgehog queuing at the calisthenics bars, being shy it trundled off into the shrubbery nearby, lookout for our hedgehog as they tend to have no road sense.


Back after Christmas and its good to see that despite all the building and digging up around on campus the badgers on the main campus seem pretty content, there are at least four from the same Sett.  

Wild flower meadow

Yes we actually have a wild flower meadow over on Site One, plants such as Perennial Cornflower, Field Scabious, Ladies Bedstraw, Vetch, Wild Carrot, Yarrow, Trefoil to name just a few. The area is rich in wildlife providing a great source of food for many species including bees feeding off the nectar, dragonflies and later on […]


For those of you who are awake in the early hours of the morning keep a sharp lookout for the Brunel badgers foraging for worms, they are not that easy to see but you may be lucky. Here is a picture of one of them taken on site.  

Wildlife and Environmental Conservation Society

Volunteers from the Wildlife and Environmental conservation society turned out last Wednesday, the coldest day of the year so far,to help plant out 2,000 mixed crocus bulbs perfect for pollinators such as bees near the new sculpture. Many thanks for your help and enthusiasm,Kai, Lucy, Mary and Anna also to Lilli who helped organise the event, looking […]


With Autumnwatch starting this week on television let’s see what wildlife we have around our campus, there may be more here than you may realise. Starting off with one of our more timid neighbours,the muntjac deer.